Health Tips & Facts

Main Causes Of Belly Fat

12/16/2013 03:40
Abdominal fat or belly fat is the most common type of obesity observed wide across the world. It is also termed as visceral fat which lay deep inside the abdomen and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it.  Amassing of belly fat occurs due to various factors like over eating, stress,...

The 5 Leading Causes of Tummy Fat in Women

12/16/2013 01:38
Studies have shown that there are 5 leading causes of excess abdominal fat, or tummy fat, developing in the female body. Unfortunately, some of these are totally beyond your control so you have no choice but to live with them. Others however, you can in fact do something about. BUT AT SOLE HEALTH;...

Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth

08/25/2013 20:17
A shining set of teeth can make anyone appear more pleasant, more healthy and young looking. Also nothing makes a smile more beautiful than sparkling white teeth. This is why many people avoid smiling in public places as their teeth are not as shiny as they want it to be. Teeth may become yellow...

10 Health Benefits of Turmeric

08/25/2013 19:58
Turmeric, also known as curcuma longa, is a very common herb. Often referred to as the “Queen of Spices,” its main characteristics are a pepper-like aroma, sharp taste and golden color. People across the globe use this herb in their cooking. According to the Journal of the American Chemical...

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

08/25/2013 19:45
High blood pressure also referred to as hypertension is a kind of health problem where there is constant high pressure of the blood in the arteries. A person suffers from hypertension when the blood pressure reading is 140/90 mm Hg or higher. Some of the common causes of this health...

God’s Pharmacy: Interesting Facts About 12 Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables

08/25/2013 19:39
Did you know that there are over 40,000 different varieties of rice in the world? And did you know that avocados are actually fruits not vegetables? Most people don’t know that the same goes for pumpkins. Were you aware that peanuts are not nuts, but are part of the pea family? That’s why they...

10 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

08/25/2013 19:37
Aloe Vera plant is considered to be a miracle plant because of its too many curative and healing health benefits. The leaf of Aloe Vera is filled with a gel containing vitamins like A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E, Folic Acid and Niacin. Minerals found in Aloe Vera plant juice are copper, iron, sodium,...

10 Superfoods To Curb Diabetes

08/25/2013 19:33
Diabetes is a kind of disease that gradually affects your entire system and almost every organ of your body like your kidneys, eyes, heart etc. Even though there are many medicines that can control your blood sugar level, it is essential to understand that food is really your best medicine. In...

Home Remedies for Diabetes

08/25/2013 19:30
Diabetes has become a very common heath problem. The main cause is lack of adequate insulin production to manage the level of glucose in your blood. There are various natural remedies for diabetes that will help you control your blood sugar level. Here are top 10 remedies for Diabetes. Bitter...

15 health benefits of Garlic

08/25/2013 19:19
Indian curries are incomplete without garlic – a simple ingredient with packed health benefits. It is very strong and bitter but adds an unbelievable flavour to the cuisine. Any description of garlic is incomplete without mentioning its medicinal values. This miracle herb Garlic has been used...
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